Hi! Welcome to the best Blog for Reviewing Article Submitter Programs. I have published an article from an expert in this subject. I also decided to put some links of my personal article submitter software so after you read you can analize each one for your personal use. Enjoy!

Article Submitters Review

Article Submitters Review
By Leroy Chan

Article submitters will save you time and help you stay organized. Before getting into the different types of article submitters available, let’s look at article marketing or submission in general.

Articles deliver free-targeted website traffic and can boost your search engine rankings through keyword anchor text and back links. In article marketing, the strategy is to get your article published on as many other topic related websites as possible.

Instead of directly searching for other sites to publish your articles, you can submit your articles to article directories. People use article directories to find articles they may publish on their sites. Article directories allow you as the author to store your work and take advantage of the traffic that visits them.

There are hundreds if not thousands of article directories where you can submit your articles. It can take days or weeks to contact all these directories and fill out each submission form. Some will accept your articles immediately and some may never get around to reviewing it.

For the time you spend submitting to these directories, you could have spent it writing more articles. When you don’t have the extra hours in a day to contact each directory and submit them by hand, you can use article submitters to automate in part or in full, the article submission process.

For the sake of this discussion, let’s divide article submitters into two types:


Semi-automatic article submitters automatically pre-fill an article directory submission form with the details of your article. It doesn’t select the category or click the submit button for you.

Developers or marketers of the semi-automatic article submission software argue that you can’t make the process totally automatic. They believe two things: you can’t make the category selection automatic and you shouldn’t submit your article to directories too fast otherwise, the search engines may think you are purposely trying to manipulate your rankings through back links.

To a degree, you can’t automate the category selection process because it depends on the topic of the article you are submitting and the category choices available on each directory. Each directory is unique and not all have the exact same categories. Therefore, developers of the semi-automatic variety of article submitters believe you can’t automate this process. If you did, you may accidentally submit your article to the wrong category and have your article rejected by the directory editors.

In these semi-automatic article submitters, you also need to click on the submit button after you are satisfied that the information that was pre-filled by the submitter such as, title, body and resource box are correct.

Overall, although the semi-automatic article submitter will pre-fill the basic information for your articles, it will take a few hours to go through the entire lists of directories that are included in these submitters. It mostly depends on your Internet connection and computer speed.

Selecting categories and clicking the submit button is still a tedious process, but not as tedious as doing everything all by hand. This approach is faster than doing it manually but makes it impossible for you to submit fast.

Fully Automatic

Fully-automatic article submitters automatically pre-fills an article directory submission form with the details of your article. It also selects the category and clicks the submit button for you for each directory it visits.

Developers or marketers of the fully automatic article submitters don’t buy the arguments of the semi-automatic group. They believe you can come close to selecting the correct category through automated means. They argue that humans may not select the correct category anyway and it is ultimately the judgment of the editors that matters.

Those in favor of promoting or using the fully automatic article submitters don’t believe there is a problem with submitting articles too fast to the article directories. In the past, this may have been a problem: the same exact article was submitted too quickly everywhere linking to a url with the same keyword. The strategy today is to submit variations of articles in order to avoid the duplication penalty. Both the semi-automatic and fully automatic submitters are able to submit articles with random variations in the title, body and resource boxes to the article directories.

With the fully automatic article submitters, you click one button and walk away. You can then write another article or perform other tasks while it runs in the background on your computer. You don’t have to see and select categories and click a submit button for each directory.

The type of submitter that’s best for you depends whose arguments you want to believe. If you want to see with your own eyes that your article is going to the exact category you want it to go, then you can choose either type because both allow you to do this. That’s because you can switch the fully automatic submitter to its manual mode. It will wait for you to click the submit button before going to the next directory.

If you want to use your time to write other articles or to build new websites, then you’ll want to take advantage of the fully automatic article submitters. You can argue that the chance of submitting to the wrong category with fully automated submitters is slight. You could just as easily select the wrong category when using the semi-automatic submitters. However, once the editors accept your articles in their directories, users will probably find your article through the directory search box, so the keywords of your article are what’s important.

Both types of submitters share similar features. They both submit to the same directories or the same ezine announcement lists. Both keep track of what articles you submitted and to which directories. The specific article submitter will have features not found in other submitters. However, developers of these submitters borrow feature ideas from each other and eventually add that feature in the next upgrade. The one thing that is different in each is the price you’ll pay or the bonuses they offer.

Copyright © 2007 by Leroy Chan

Need more free targeted traffic and back links to improve your search engine rankings, but don’t want to waste time submitting your articles by hand? Click here to discover the article submitter that automatically submits your articles and saves you time… http://www.internetmarketingview.com/article-marketing/article-submitter/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leroy_Chan

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